There is really no reason for you to have to read hundreds of blogs, articles and e-zines and feeds. Thrifty News will keep you up to date on living a thrifty life.
Special Note...
Not every article in this newsletter will apply to you and your family. Our content will change monthly, so pick out the parts that work for you and skip over the rest.
Segment 1 - Thrifty Springtime Tips
Segment 2 - Money saving tips for gardeners
Segment 3 - Get Out Of Debt E-Book Soon To Be Released
Segment 4 - Getting Finances In Order - Part 4
Segment 5 - Thrifty Meals For Spring
Thrifty Springtime Tips -
It is April and that means Spring in many places. If things are beginning to bloom where you live, this newsletter will give you some good ideas for saving money and enjoying this time of year.
Let's start with some advice from Pediatrician Andrew Racine. He gives money saving tips for reducing health costs without putting your families health at risk. To read his tips visit
While we're on the subject of health and saving money, now is the time to get the family to start drinking water. Replace all the soft drinks with water. Water is both good for you and inexpensive.
If you live in an area where it is possible, just fill your water bottle from the tap. If the tap water in your area isn't good for drinking, think about getting a filter either on the tap or a pitcher with a filter. Either way, getting used to drinking water now will make those hot summer days more bearable. If you really don't like water, put a pitcher in the refrigerator with some lemon slices in it. Once it has sat for a couple of hours it will be cold and refreshing.
Money saving tips for gardeners - Is it gardening time where you live? If so you won't want to miss the following tips. Hopefully you have been composting and have some rich, dark soil to turn into your garden or flower bed. If you haven't started a compost, there's no time like the present. Find all the info you need to get started at This site on how to compost.
Another way to save money in your garden is purchasing and caring for your tools. Check local garage sales, swaps or the free section on Once you have the garden tools you need, take care of them. This sounds like a no-brainer, but many a tool is ruined because the owner didn't take the time to clean it, dry it off, and put it away. You don't want to find a rain soaked, mud encrusted, rusted and ruined tool next time you need it. If you spend the money on garden tools, take care of them.
Use what you have for your gardening. You don't have to have the latest in watering pails and hoses to grow a beautiful flower garden or a nutritious vegetable garden. Use what you have and replace only the items that are really worn out or didn't survive the winter.
Get Out Of Debt E-Book Soon To Be Released - Step-By-Step Get Out Of Debt is soon to be released. If you have debt in your life, this is a book you won't want to miss. It will literally walk you step-by-step to get out of debt. Put yourself on the list now and when the book is released, you will be among the first to know.
Go to this page to sign up for your copy of the book. It will cost you nothing to sign up - you won't pay a dime until the book is released and you return to purchase it.
Getting Finances In Order - Part 4 - In January you made up your files and filed away all of your old bills and receipts. In February you set up your end of year tax file. In March you started maintaining your files. In April you will be getting out that tax file and either filing your own taxes or taking that information to your accountant. This is the perfect opportunity to begin a complete list of what you need to file taxes. If there is any information you need on your tax form that your have not put in your file, add it to your list. When you have completed your taxes this year you should have a complete list of the information you needed. Now tape that list to the outside of the file and as these items come in for the current year, check them off the list and place them in the file. Your next time filing taxes will be much easier because you will just pull the file and all the information you need will be there.
Thrifty Meals For Spring! - What are your favorite springtime foods? What food do you think of when you think of Spring? Is it Hot Cross Buns? Grilled Lamb? Steamed Artichokes? Salad? Rhubarb Crisp?
This month it's your turn to share a meal idea or recipe. Go to our contact page and send us your favorites. We will publish them on a new page and send you a link in the next newsletter.
We can't wait to hear all your favorite foods and recipes!
These THRIFTY LIVING TIPS should get you started on a fun and thrifty April.
Please be safe and enjoy your friends and your family.
See you with more Thrifty Ideas in May!