There is really no reason for you to have to read hundreds of blogs, articles and e-zines and feeds. Thrifty News will keep you up to date on living a thrifty life.

Special Note...

Not every article in this newsletter will apply to you and your family. Our content will change monthly, so pick out the parts that work for you and skip over the rest.



Segment 1 - Editor's Letter

Segment 2 - What's New At

Segment 3 - Discount Bedding - Decorating the Bedroom

Segment 4 - Free Stuff

Segment 5 - Getting Finances In Order - Part 8

Segment 6 - Thrifty Halloween Ideas

Editor's Letter - We are moving into Fall around here. The leaves are just starting to change color, the children are all back in school and the garden has been harvested.

This is a nice time of year. It's kind of like the "calm before the storm". Soon we will all be rushing around getting caught up in the approaching holidays. But before that starts, this is a wonderful time of year to clean up and organize. I find when I switch out the summer clothes for the winter clothes, this is a perfect time to go through and eliminate anything I haven't worn for awhile.

It's also a good time of year to take down curtains and blinds and give them a good cleaning before the cold weather sets in. Of course, that is if you are actually heading into cold weather.

The garden and plants are also in need of attention at this time of year. Anything that needs brought in before the first frost, such as garden hoses, should be tended to now. In our climate we don't prune roses until Spring, but it's not a bad idea to cover them or the ground around the roots.

Whatever project you have on the back burner, this is the time of year to address it. Take advantage of the calm.

Wishing you the best in your thrifty life.

Linda Holmes


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What's New At -

Follow the links below to see what we've added to the site this month.

Visit the site blog to find out all our new updates!

Discount Bedding -

Making our bedroom, and especially your bed, as comfortable as possible is appealing for many of us. Seeing your nicely decorated, cozy bed makes going to bed a fun experience. But then getting under the covers and feeling the nice sheets against your skin and on your face when you lay your head on your pillow is such a calming feeling.

Read more of this article at Discount Bedding - Find Luxury Bedding at Discount Prices, By Elaine Sharp

The e-book, Step-By-Step Get Out Of Debt has been greatly reduced!

Go to this page to order your copy now.

Free Stuff -

One of the pages we added this summer was Free Stuff. We have now added more links to this page.

As we mentioned before - not everything advertised on the internet as Free is actually Free, so use caution. Some companies offer a free trial offer and when you sign up they put you on an every 30 day shipment. If you return the sample within their time period (usually 10 to 30 days) they will not charge your card, but otherwise they will.

If you are trying to get something free on the internet and in order to get it you have to enter your credit card information, most likely it is not free at all.

Sign up for our RSS feed to be informed when we add more free stuff to the site.

Getting Finances In Order - Part 8 -

In January you made up your files and filed away all of your old bills and receipts.

In February you set up your end of year tax file.

In March you started maintaining your files.

In April you filed your taxes.

In May you continued filing your paid invoices and bills in your files.

In June you were in the swing of things and were keeping your bills paid on time and had an idea of your due dates and amounts due.

In July take a good look at your spending for the first half of the year. Are you spending what you intended on bills, groceries, clothing and misc items?

In August and September hopefully you stayed within your budget and are in a much better place financially than when you started.

In October look at your spending so far for the year.

Are there places in your spending you were unaware of? Are there items that need to be added to your budget for next year that you hadn't thought about? Are there items on your budget that you've decided you could live without?

Now is the time of year to really look at your income and expenses. The holidays are approaching and you may not have the extra money set aside. You could consider taking a year off from the gift giving part of the holidays. On the other hand, you may have budgeted all year for the coming holidays and you are now feeling pretty good about the money you have set aside. Either way, holiday spending is something that needs to be included in the annual budget.

The following two months will be about looking ahead to next year's budget, so have a good idea of where you stand.

Thrifty Halloween Ideas

Halloween is all about the costume and the candy - not the money spent. So get creative and make those costumes, for yourself or your children. Check our new Halloween page for ideas.

Some ideas for pupmkin carving...Have friends and family over for a fun day of carving. Have everyone bring their own pumpkin, you supply the carving instruments. You can also serve up a pot of chili of just some snacks like cupcakes. Either way it will be a fun day.

One great idea for that carved pumpkin - sprinkle the inside of the pumpkin lid with cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger for a nice aroma.

These THRIFTY LIVING TIPS should get you started on a fun and thrifty October.

Next month look for Fall decorating ideas as well as recipes.

Please be safe and enjoy your friends and your family.

See you with more Thrifty Ideas in November!